прямой крой, круглый вырез горловины, длина до линии бедер
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
прямой крой, круглый вырез горловины, длина до линии бедер
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room